Communication and Public Affairs and Religious Liberty
Herald and other digital communication
The Lake Union Conference hosted several online forums on topics such as disparity in healthcare and the Church’s role in bearing witness against racism, which received over 13,000 views. The Communication and PARL departments, with Debbie Michel and Nick Miller respectively, working together have scratched an itch that has attracted views globally relative to current events while addressing this critical felt need of members within and without our territory as well. Since the original online events, more than 50,000 views were recorded for part or all of these readily reproducible boiler plate events that can be replicated across our division by other unions and conferences but, for now, the Lake Union, understanding its role as progenitor of the Advent movement, is glad to be first in providing an outlet for people to grow in grace and understanding of differing viewpoints on ethnicity and culture.
Moving forward, as the official birthplace of the Seventh-day Adventist Church and stewards of the ministry of reconciliation that Jesus Christ has committed into our hands to reconcile man to both God and each other, we are committed to be conduits of Christ-like behavior and catalysts for change as we pray regularly and take actions to undergird three Lake Union executive committee strategies of leadership development, discipleship training and starting a movement of the Holy Spirit in our churches and communities in this quinquennium. We will continue to engage the Adventist faith community by continuing to resource our local conferences and schools, and engaging and encouraging our health systems to continue to hire employees of diverse backgrounds, especially those persons of African descent who are sparsely represented at the leadership level of our multiple health systems.
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Maurice R. Valentine
Lake Union Conference of Seventh-day Adventist