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Kenneth Denslow
Ken Denslow is the President of the Lake Union Conference of Seventh-day Adventist. Before assuming this position in 2021 he was the assistant to the president of the North American Division of the Seventh-day Adventist Church. He was the president of the Illinois Conference of Seventh-day Adventists. Ken and his wife, Patricia, have two adult children, Michael and Kristin. They take every opportunity they can to visit their children and granddaughters in Texas and Illinois. Ken also enjoys cycling and reading.
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Elden Ramirez
Executive Secretary
Elden Ramirez is the Executive Secretary of the Lake Union Conference of Seventh-day Adventist. Before assuming this responsibility in 2021 he was the Undersecretary of the North American Division of the General Conference. He has served as the president of the Montana Conference of Seventh-day Adventists. Before arriving to Montana, he lead the Office of Volunteer Ministries of the North American Division. Over the years he has ministered in 5 different states as academy chaplain, youth pastor, senior pastor, church planter, and departmental director in the areas of family life, camp ministries, health and temperance, national servicemen organization, and youth ministries. Elden and his wife, Jenny, have two daughters, Elennie and Jasmine. Together they have an a capella gospel ministry.
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Glynn C.W. Scott
Glynn C.W. Scott has served in the Lake Union Conference since 2000 as associate treasurer and then as treasurer from 2003 to the present time. Prior to serving in the Lake Union, Glynn was secretary/treasurer for the Bermuda Conference from 1997 to 1998 and treasurer for 1999. Prior to the Bermuda Conference, Glynn served as an auditor for Coopers & Lybrand, Price Waterhouse and financial analysis for Fidelity Investments (Boston). Glynn holds a B.S. in Accounting and Business Administration from Atlantic Union College. He is married to Donna-Mae (Young) Scott, and they have two boys, Glenn Jr. and Clifton.
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Carmelo Mercado
General Vice President
Carmelo began pastoring in the Indiana Conference, in Hammond, Indiana. In 1980, he received from It Is Written a request for Bible information from a family who lived in East Chicago, Indiana. He gave the family Bible studies and baptized the mother, father and their daughter, Rosanne, in the Adventist faith. In 1986, he married Rosanne, who currently works as an occupational therapist at St. Joseph hospital in South Bend, Indiana. Carmelo had the opportunity to serve his entire pastoral ministry in Indiana, serving in cities like Gary, Hammond, East Chicago, Richmond, Connersville, New Castle, Indianapolis, Brownsburg, Martinsville and Fort Wayne. He also served as Hispanic coordinator for the Indiana Conference for five years, and also served as NET '98 Hispanic coordinator in 1998. Carmelo has served in his current role as general vice president for 11 years. He is also Multicultural Ministries director for the Lake Union and secretary for the Adventist-laymen's Services & Industries (ASI) Lake Union chapter.
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