Along with the other Union Officers, the president is responsible for coordinating the overall mission of the Seventh-day Adventist Church in the territory surrounding Lake Michigan, which includes the states of Michigan, Indiana, Illinois, Wisconsin, and a portion of Minnesota. The five local conferences in the territory are Illinois, Indiana, Lake Region, Michigan, and Wisconsin. He is the chief executive officer among the other elected officers, and is ultimately responsible for the work of all departments within the Lake Union organization.
The president is a member of many Lake Union, North American Division, and General Conference boards and committees in a coordinating and representative role. The president assists at local conference constituency meetings and helps develop conference management policies. The president meets with local conference committees to further church unity and mission, and is available as an advisor to the conference, college, and university presidents, and serves as vice chair of the Andrews University Board of Trustees. Including the other officers, the president is responsible to the Lake Union Headquarters Executive Committee and to the Constituency, and indirectly to the North American Division and the General Conference. The Lake Union officers all sit on numerous boards and committees where they give counsel and serve as a voice for the Lake Union.
Executive Secretary
The executive secretary, associated with the president as an executive officer, serves under the direction of the executive committee and shall act as vice-chair of the Lake Union Conference executive committee. The executive secretary reports to the executive committee of the union conference after consultation with the president. He functions as the custodian of records and policies and oversees the implementation of the actions of the Executive Committee. It is responsible for the maintenance of personnel records and the issuing of appropriate credentials and licenses to Lake Union workers and retirees. In addition, the executive secretary serves on various committees for the North American Division, General Conference, and the local Lake Union conferences. He chairs the bylaws committee of every conference in the Lake Union Territory and is a member of the Adventist Midwest Health and Adventist Health System boards.
Associated with the president as an executive officer, the treasurer serves under the direction of the executive committee. The treasurer/chief financial officer reports to the executive committee of the union conference after consultation with the president. It is responsible for safeguarding all funds received and disbursing them in harmony with church policy voted by the Executive Committee. The treasurer is also responsible for remitting all required funds to the North American Division (NAD) and General Conference in harmony with NAD working policy. The treasurer maintains an accurate and comprehensive accounting of church funds and presents accurate reports on a timely basis. The treasurer is responsible for providing financial leadership to the local conferences and institutions within the Lake Union territory. The treasurer serves on various committees for the North American Division, and the local Lake Union conferences. He is also a member of the Adventist Health System board of trustees.
General Vice President
The responsibilities of the general vice president include meeting with the Lake Union president, executive secretary, and treasurer at ADCOM meetings, and president and officer council meetings to discuss, counsel, and decide on issues affecting the Lake Union Conference. The general vice president is also Multicultural Ministries coordinator for the Lake Union Headquarters. Responsibilities entail giving support and guidance to the Multicultural Ministries coordinators of each of the five Lake Union territories. The vice president is also secretary of the Lake Union Adventist-laymen's Services and Industries (ASI) chapter, which involves being a member of the chapter board and keeping minutes of local chapter board meetings. The Lake Union general vice president serves as a member of the North American Division Executive Committee, North American Division Hispanic Advisory, North American Division Hispanic Administrative Committee, and North American Division Hispanic Evangelism Committee.